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T: 0121 243 3384 (Birmingham)
M: 07598990627                                  

                                T: 01722 441 994 (Wiltshire)

                              M: 07876697904

CQC Overall Rating (Birmingham) -  March 2023


CQC Overall Rating (Wiltshire) - November 2023


Dolphin Healthcare Service

Why Choose Us

Why choose us

Why choose us

CQC Report: 

Our present and past CQC reports bear eloquent testimony to ability to provide safe, well-led, effective, caring and responsive care

Quality Assurance: 

At Dolphin Healthcare Services, quality assurance is at the heart of the services we provide. Our quality assurance has proved to increase client’s confidence and provide good experience. Central to quality assurance process in our organisation are:

Safer Recruitment: 

At Dolphin Healthcare we create a culture of safe recruitment and, as part of that, adopt recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse vulnerable clients.

Staff Training; 

Our carers are trained in order to provide effective and efficient care. Training is on-going processes which are often updated in line with changes in policy and practices. Appropriate training can not only prevent accidents, it can also make service users feel secure.


At Dolphin Healthcare Services, safeguarding of our services users is everybody’s business. We therefore recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all service users. We there put in place a robust safeguarding policy and procedure.

Our philosophy of care:

To provide services that are aimed at improving health, promoting well-being and preventing avoidable admissions into the acute sectors by supporting people to remain in their own homes wherever practicable. 

• To ensure treatment, care and support is delivered in accordance with the care requirements of the patient by offering skilled care to enable the individuals to achieve their optimum state of health and wellbeing.

• To always seek and obtain consent from patients before engaging in treatment or procedures and where necessary to take into account their best interest.

• To explore and understand patient needs and involve them in decision making about their treatment and care.

• To inculcate in our team a culture of Working Together with families and other health professionals, to foster quick recovery and better patient experience

• To ensure nurses and other members of our clinical team are trained to undertake the roles that are expected of them and they have the prerequisite skills to deal with the job roles required of them, and where new skills are required, training is sourced and delivered in a timely manner.

• To involve the patients in their holistic care and involve their family members and carers around them.

• To ensure that patients are seen by the most appropriate healthcare professional as quickly as possible depending on their presentations.

• To assist in providing patients with an experience and environment that is safe, clean, comfortable, friendly, professional and relaxing.

• To continuously improve the lines of communication with patients using appropriate technologies.

• To continually evaluate our service and drive improvement through seeking and acting on feedbacks from people using our service, staff and other stakeholders.

• To provide effective and transformational leadership that will foster good and purpose-led care delivery

• To keep, maintain and retain patient’s records in accordance with the legal requirement and continuity of care.

For more information, contact out team today on:
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